Millefeuille - nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely


2. November 2018

Weihnachten, die erste

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Bei den Daring Cardmakers gibt es ein erstes weihnachtliches Inspirationsfoto. Ich habe mich für Farben, Bäckerschnur, Holz und ein Rentier (oder so) entschieden:


The Daring Cardmakers have provided a first Christmassy inspirational picture. I went for colours, twine, wood and a deer.

  1. Lovely woodsy feel to this Svenja, great card!

    by Angelnorth — 4. November 2018 @ 22:11
  2. Just so gorgeously stylish! Love that deer especially

    by Kathy — 5. November 2018 @ 14:15
  3. Fabulous card, love the Kraft and black with the white wood grain.

    Sylv xx

    by Sylv — 8. November 2018 @ 14:40
  4. Gorgeous and the deer is just fantastic. x

    by Dawn Barwick — 9. November 2018 @ 10:48

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