leckere Erntezeit
Shabneez hat sich diese Woche bei den Daring Cardmakers erntefrisches Getreide, Obst oder Gemüse gewünscht. Meinen eigenen Vorlieben entsprechend gibt es Kürbis:
Und neulich gab’s auch schon welchen im Untervegs, megalecker:
Shabneez has asked for harvest themed cards this week: grain, fruit, veg – whatever you like. I like pumpkin, had the first dish of the season at Untervegs the other day, so yummy!
Comments (2) 2 Comments»
Love the mixed media background for your patchwork pumpkins (and that roast pumpkin is making my mouth water!).
by Angelnorth — 29. September 2017 @ 17:24This is fab Svenja – not sure if your plate of food looks tastier or your card! Perfect for the challenge. Shabneez x
by Shabneez — 1. Oktober 2017 @ 23:21