Millefeuille - nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely

Challenges,mein Leben & ich,Stempel,What's cookin'?

25. August 2017

Veganer Triple-Not Dog gefällig?


Bei den Daring Cardmakers dreht sich diese Woche alles um Fastfood (und Coffee to go). Von mir gibt’s eine vegane Reminiszenz an die Anfänge des Untervegs.

It’s all about fast food (and coffee to go) at the Daring Cardmakers‘ this week. My card is a (vegan) reminiscence to a favourite eatery: Untervegs.

  1. Love this Svenja, it manages to look retro and contemporary at the same time!

    by Angelnorth — 25. August 2017 @ 21:28
  2. Fabulous card. Love those hotdogs and the background. x

    by Dawn — 28. August 2017 @ 14:46

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