Millefeuille - nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely


28. April 2017

Zeit für Superhelden


Diese Woche dreht sich bei den Daring Cardmakers alles um Superhelden. Meiner ist allerdings noch Anfänger.

This week it’s all about superheroes at the Daring Cardmakers‘. Mine is a bit of a beginner, though.

  1. I think this has to be one of my favourite cards by you Svenja. Makes me smile every time I look at it – Superheroing 101 or learning to fly 101! lol Excellent!

    by Natty — 3. Mai 2017 @ 21:25
  2. Adorable image and a fantastic card, love it! Love that his super hero boots look like wellies with added wing logos!

    by Angelnorth — 3. Mai 2017 @ 22:27
  3. This did make me giggle, love his undies. x

    by Dawn — 4. Mai 2017 @ 13:20

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