40 Jahre
Das Jubiläum der Mondlandung war Anlass für das dieswöchige Thema bei Think Monday – Think ATC: der Mond. Mein Lieblingsbeitrag zum Thema (wenn auch weder gestempelt noch ATC-Format) ist allerdings das hier.
The moon is this week’s topic at Think Monday – Think ATC since it’s the 40th anniversary on the first landing. My favourite take on the topic is this one (although it’s neither stamped nor ATC-size). The text on my ATC translates „God doesn’t play dice“ and refers to Albert Einstein.
Comments (4) 4 Comments»
What a cool atc!! love your idea!!
by Linda — 22. Juli 2009 @ 16:44Great job on your card!
by Nancy — 22. Juli 2009 @ 17:44GREAT!!! love it
by Hermine — 22. Juli 2009 @ 20:11Great words and take on the theme!
by Anne (cornucopia) — 23. Juli 2009 @ 22:21