Millefeuille - nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely


9. August 2010

Das Nudeltrauma

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Kommunikation ist das Thema der Woche bei Think Monday – Think ATC. Ein wunderbares Beispiel für fehlgeschlagene Kommunikation findet sich bei Loriot: Die Nudel. Am Morgen danach weiß der Gute offensichtlich immer noch nicht, was da eigentlich schiefgelaufen ist…

Loriot - Nudeldilemma

Communication is this week’s challenge at Think Monday – Think ATC. Again an ATC I don’t need to explain to German readers as they will all know this story. It refers to a Sketch by Loriot: the noodle. It presents a gentleman and his Ladyfriend, Fräulein Hildegard, in a restaurant. He tries to propose marriage to her over a cup of noodle-soup. Unluckily he places a noodle in his face when using his napkin. And this noodle then starts „wandering“ through his face throughout the conversation, constantly being removed and placed again. This completely vexes Fräulein Hildegard and ruins the whole conversation. A running-gag is his order „Say nothing just now, Fräulein Hildegard!“ My ATC shows this gentleman the morning after, still asking himself: „Why on earth hadn’t Hildegard said anything?“

  1. Nun bin ich nicht so der Loriot Fan, aber Deiner!! Diese ATC ist mal wieder humorvoll und überhaupt genial!
    Alles Liebe, Manuela

    by manus — 9. August 2010 @ 20:23
  2. Super ATC. Klasse gemacht!

    by Moni — 10. August 2010 @ 08:16
  3. klasse idee!

    by Dani Rogall — 10. August 2010 @ 08:26
  4. Tolle Idee!

    by Annchen — 10. August 2010 @ 10:56
  5. das ist ja eine irre idee! megastark!

    by johanna — 10. August 2010 @ 18:09

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